Projek Pembesaran Jalanraya Di Lopeng Tengah Musnahkan Tanaman Penduduk
Projek pembesaran jalanraya di Kampung Lopeng Tengah telah banyak memusnahkan tanaman dan juga merosakkan perkarangan rumah penduduk di kawasan tersebut.
Baru-baru ini PAS Miri mendapat aduan dari penduduk disitu yang mengatakan mereka sangat kecewa dengan sikap kontraktor yang langsung tidak bertanggungjawab memusnahkan tanaman dan merosakkan pekarangan rumah mereka tanpa memberi sebarang ganti rugi.
Sudahlah tanaman di pekarangan rumah mereka musnah dan rosak, jalan pula berdebu dan rosak akibat lori yang membawa pasir dan batu dalam kawasan tersebut.
Mereka mohon agar pihak yang berkenaan membayar ganti rugi atas kemusnahan dan kerosakkan tanaman dan pekarangan rumah mereka. Mereka juga menuntut agar pihak yang berkenaan segera membaiki kerosakan serta membersih pekarangan rumah mereka yang rosak dan kotor akibat pembinaan jalanraya tersebut.
Kita mendesak agar pihak kerajaan segera mengambil tindakan serta bertindak keatas mereka yang memusnahkan tanaman serta merosakkan pekarangan rumah disitu.
Kita tidak mahu akibat projek pembinaan jalanraya tersebut rakyat atau penduduk terbabit jadi mangsa oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan melakukan sesuatu dengan sewenangnya. Jangan sampai penduduk terbabit bertindak diluar batasan barulah pihak kerajaan hendak mengambil tindakan.
Keselamatan dan kepentingan rakyat patut diberi keutamaan, jangan biarkan pihak yang mendapat projek tersebut bertindak sesuka hati tanpa ada perasaan balas kasihan keatas penduduk yang menjadi mangsa dalam projek tersebut.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
Road Expansion Project Destroy Crops in the Middle Lopeng Population
The road expansion projects in Middle Village Lopeng has destroyed plants and damaged the compound of the residents in the area.
Recently PAS Miri received complaints from residents there who say they are very disappointed with the attitude of the contractor who did not even responsible for removing crops and damage their compound without any compensation.
Not only plants in the compound of their homes destroyed or damaged, roads were dusty and damaged by Lorries carrying sand and stones in the area.
They ask for the parties concerned to pay compensation for the destruction and damage to plants and their house compound. They also called for the immediate repair and clean their house compound that is damaged and dirty due to the road construction.
There is also a secondary school in the area of road expansion project, if the contractors are not careful, this could threaten the safety of students who use the road.
We do not want due to the road construction project the people or residents involved become victims of unscrupulous and do things with impunity. Do not let these people acting outside the limits then the government to take action.
The safety and interests of the people should be given priority, do not let those who get the project to act as they like without any feelings of pity on the residents that become victims in the project.
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