Masalah Penduduk Kampung yang tidak mendapat perhatian kerajaan
MIRI : Penduduk Kampung Batu 1 mengadu masalah mereka kepada pihak PAS tentang masalah yang mereka hadapi. Walaupun PAS tidak meletakkan calonnya bertanding di parliament Miri tetapi rakyat setempat masih lagi mengharapkan pihak PAS yang akan membantu mereka menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi.

Antara masalah yang masih belum diselesaikan sehingga kini ialah masalah Puan Haminah Bt Abdullah 67 tahun seorang Mualaf dan juga ibu tunggal yang tinggal bersama dengan anak sulong beliau yang kurang upaya (OKU) memohon pihak berkuasa tempatan agar dapat membantu membaik pulih atap rumahnya yang rosak akibat angin rebut iaitu pada tahun 2015.
Kami juga mendapati belakang rumah beliau perlu dibaik pulih dengan segera sebab tiang lantainya agak reput dan boleh runtuh. Lantai rasuk kayu reput dan rosak perlu diganti dengan segera untuk mengelakkan dinding rumah runtuh.
Beliau yang tinggal di Kampung Batu 1 di alamat No 7752 telah ditinggalkan oleh suaminya yang mempunyai isteri baru. Beliau mempunyai 6 orang anak dan seorang sudah meninggal. Anak sulungnya merupakan OKU dan tinggal bersama beliau.

Begitu juga dengan jalan yang belum diturap sepenuhnya di kawasan berhampiran rumah pengadu sehingga pemilik rumah berkenaan telah meninggal dunia berapa bulan yang lalu iaitu Mahmod Tar. Warisnya memohon agar jalan tersebut dapat diturap sepenuhnya untuk memudahkan mereka membina rumah di tapak yang berkenaan. Mereka sudah mengadu masalah ini kepada pihak yang berkenaan lama dulu tetapi tiada juga sebarang tindakan diambil.
Kami amat mengharap pihak berwajib dan mereka yang berkenaan dapat segera mengatasi masalah penduduk Kampung Batu 1 ini. Penduduk kampung sudah bosan dengan janji-janji pihak-pihak yang tertentu yang tidak pernah ditepati. Kerjasama dengan semua pihak yang berkaitan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan segera amat dihargai.
Jofri Jaraiee
Pesuruhjaya PAS, Sarawak
English version
Problems of Villagers who have not received government attention
MIRI: The residents of Kampung Batu 1 complained of their problems to PAS regarding the problems they faced. Although PAS does not place his candidate in the Miri parliament, local people are still looking and hoping for PAS to help them solve the problems they face.
BN representatives and candidates from BN and Pakatan Harapan (PH) who have won in the last general election did not take into account the problems of residents in the village according to the residents' complaints. Now the Sarawak government is still dominated by BN and they should take into account the problems of the people who need help such as complaints of residents in Batu 1 village.
Among the issues that have not been resolved until now is a problem Mrs. Haminah Bt Abdullah 67 years old a Mualaf and a single mother living with her disabled daughter (OKU) are applying for local authorities to help repair the roof of her damaged home by a storm that is, in 2015.
We also found that her backyard needs to be repaired because the floor pole is somewhat decayed and can collapse. The damaged and decayed wooden beam floor should be replaced immediately to prevent the walls of the housing collapse.
She lives in Kampung Batu 1 at No. 7752 has been abandoned by her husband who has a new wife. She has 6 children and one has died. Her eldest daughter was OKU and stayed with her.
This problem has been reported in 2015 but no action has been taken by the parties despite their promise from elected representatives in the area to help solve their problems.
So with the unpaved roads in the area near the complainant's house until the owner of the house has died several months ago namely Mahmod Tar. His heirs may request that the road is fully paved to help them build a home on the site concerned. They have complained about this problem to the relevant parties long ago but no action was taken.
We are very hopeful that the authorities and those concerned will be able to solve the problems of the residents of Kampung Batu 1.
The villagers are bored with the promises of certain parties who have never been met. Collaboration with all relevant parties to solve this problem is very much appreciated.
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