Gambar Hiasan semasa zaman perang dulu
This open letter we received from rakyat for the relevant authority to review and consider.
From Pas Miri
Subject: RE: Extension of Kampong Sending
Your Honors’. and all reading extinguished guests,
Who were coming for the meeting when Razali was the superintendent of land and survey in Miri. This department head said this is a village (kampong ) and the location or style of the houses should be as they were, My ex-wife had taken part in the meeting told me that when I was in Labuan so there should be no worry of moving to new locations. Your area of the house is surveyed according to the existing size occupied by your house and the front and back yard.
As all of you know those who settled here were not free for the land, they paid for ganti rugi to maintain the land and to have the ownership. Lee Kim shim should give us all the residents of Sealine land titles because we were the one who raised him up.No body can deny us with the BN men and the assistance we render to him. 60 % of the Iban voters were for him and the never changed Malays( BN ruas) of course never move from BN. Now Sealine is under Datuk DR.Chan and our correspondence and disputing, I suggest, should be given to the DCM Sarawak. We should not trust the predesor as our god infrastructure and I have given much sacrifice for the better living by or through Datuk Lee,however we just saw the passing stream of development below the bridge. How unfortunate the Iban community as we were.
1) Just think of the cost of living now. A piece of zinz roof costs RM14.00 per piece for 6 feet long, 2 years ago only RM6.00 per piece,kayu belian post 15x4x4xRM100++,2 years ago RM 40-RM50 per piece.A bag of cement costs RM17.50.My self and others were all low income group bracket,others just have indefinite income so how come we agree to No. one( 1) agreement here is the condition laid out by YB Lee: Don’t issue the land titles and basic infrastructure given ( such as roads, drainage, electricity and water ) until all land matters is settled ( i.e 180 owners has agreed to demolish their house and move to a new allocated lot to facilitate the building of roads and drainage or they are willing not to share the same lot and reallocated to another lot – for those land with 2 to 8 owners );
- To agree they must go to Land Survey office, Miri and signed-off the agreement form.
- Note : The government will not compensate for the cost of demolish/moving or building a new house as they have already allocate us land. Is the lot of land is free of charge? This is what the question we village folks must ask the government agent.
If you work with oil and gas companies may be. As a ketua kaum you are monthly paid. Besides our ketua kaum is a Malanau and perhaps has very little knowledge about the Iban way of life; culture,custom,traditions and the nature of employment and incomes. He should be responsible if the village under him is going to have a dialogue with the land and survey. The whole village should be called for the meeting to solicit the good ideas. As a leader he must be ready to listen to others. We must not think of just ourself and take deep breathe to observ the others. Our current ketua kaum is Hamdan bin Paun. He was only a pengerusi ajkk of Kampong Senadin which consisted of 30 families. Now he is being appointed as ketua kaum of 2 kampong; kampong Senadin and KG Sealine.Kg Sealine is 3 to 4 times bigger than kg Sealine with around 1000 families.If all were registered I am sure the number of registered voters will be more than 3000.When I was a SUPP member I registered about 100 voters. Why the majority Iban not being appointed as ketua kaum at KG Sealine? I have read several times some political parties had asked the government to appoint the Penghulu from Dayak natives.
What kind of a house you are going to build, a durian atap daun houses or rumah simpler(simper) papan? We must just wonder why Kampong Melayu senadin our Ministers just give in what these people want? They were given tar-sealed road, water and electricity much earlier than Sealine. Is Sealine a promised land with too many thorns? Sealine now is a graveyard at night, five or more families sharing a water tap supply.Electricity is expensive and some have to pay RM150 per month for the supply of electricity from friends at KG. Senadin.
The agreement laid down has to be reconciled first. If the government is caring as they lauded they must be careful before the agreement is written down(drafted) or enforced.
Is the government is glamour-rita (money enriched confidence)just because we are poor men on the earth.90% of the residents of sealine are dayaks, 2 or 3 Chinese and Malays. Other Iban People who work with international companies will not live here,men. That is why we helped you with your wish to be the YB, YB for all not to your community and voters only, Datuk. Lee KIM shin.
Kami yang miskin(Iban, orang ulu(HIGHLAND NATIVES) and the Iban Ulu(ILLITRATE NATIVES)) perlukan bantuan penuh dari kerjaan seperti jalan,pelajaran, security,api ,ayer yang paling basic bukan minta subsidi Untuk beli perahu,jala pakai berikan atau atap zing or tiang untok rumah.Bagi lah kami yang patut bukan beras, padi, gula dan tea sabah atau mayang tea dari Serian. Give us the fishing hook to get the fish, that is land for commercial and as well as residential purpose.( prolonged generated endless value).
Kalau berjuang jangan angap saya pulang,
Yang benar,
Douglas Ajon Miggi
Ahli Bekas Perajurit Malaysia
Nasib Bekas Perajurit Yang Dipinggirkan
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