Kadar Yuran Pembelajaran dan Latihan Memandu Terlalu Mahal
dan membebankan
pelanggan. Kalau dulu ianya tidaklah semahal sekarang ini, dimana mereka hanya
perlu belajar mengenal tanda-tanda isyarat dan peraturan-peraturan jalan raya
disamping cara memandu kenderaan dengan betul.
Masakini berbagai
peraturan perlu dilakukan seperti kursus pendidikan pemandu, latihan amali,
latihan pratikal, ujian penilaian, ujian pratikal JPJ, sewa litar serta GST
dikenakan keatas pelanggan yang ingin mendapatkan lesen memandu yang sah oleh
Insititut Memandu dan Sekolah Memandu.
Yuran untuk
mendapatkan lesen kereta hingga mencecah lebih seribu ringgit sudah tentu ini
membebankan pelanggan yang berpendapatan rendah. Walaupun pada 2014 telah
disenaraikan oleh pihak Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) yang harga lesen untuk
kereta dan motor telah ditetapkan tetapi mengapa masakini pihak Insititut
Memandu dan Sekolah Memandu mengenakan caj terlalu tinggi keatas pelanggan.
Senarai Harga Lesen
Kereta & Harga Lesen Motor 2014
◦ Harga Lesen Motor
(B2): RM350
◦ Harga Lesen Motor
(B) Berkuasa Tinggi: RM900
◦ Harga Lesen
Kereta (D) Manual: RM1,150
◦ Harga Lesen
Kereta (DA) Auto: RM1,250
Dalam keadaan
ekonomi negara yang semakin gawat dan membebankan rakyat ini, pihak kerajaan
khususnya kementerian pengangkutan perlu memberi perhatian tentang masalah ini.
Pihak berkuasa perlu memantau serta bertindak keatas mana-mana Insititut
Memandu dan Sekolah Memandu yang mengenakan caj terlalu tinggi kepada
Memang pelanggan
wajib dan perlu belajar memandu dengan betul dan berdisiplin di jalan raya
dengan belajar mengenal tanda-tanda isyarat dan peraturan-peraturan jalan raya
tetapi mengapa kos untuk belajar memandu dan mendapatkan lesen memandu terlalu
Adakah perlu
mendidik pengguna jalan raya dengan kos yang terlalu tinggi? Untuk mendidik
pengguna jalan raya menjadi berdisiplin adalah dengan mendidik mereka sejak
dari sekolah rendah lagi bukan yang sudah dewasa yang sudah pasti sukar bagi
mereka untuk mengubah sikap mereka.
Walaupun mereka
memiliki lesen memandu yang sah tetapi masih terdapat juga pemandu yang kurang
berdisplin di jalan raya. Walau
bagaimanapun bukan semua pengguna jalan raya bersikap tidak berdisiplin di
jalan raya hanya segelintir yang masih tidak bertanggungjawab mungkin disebabkan
sifat ego atau lain-lain masalah ketika berada di jalan raya terutama ketika
jalan sesak dan berlaku kecemasan menyebabkan mereka bertindak agresif.
Pihak kerajaan
perlu mencari keadah terbaik untuk mendisplinkan pengguna jalan raya dengan
memudahkan mereka mendapat lesen memandu secara sah. Mungkin disebabkan kos
untuk mendapatkan lesen memandu secara sah terlalu mahal maka terdapat pengguna
jalan raya yang tidak memiliki lesen memandu yang melanggar peraturan jalan
Kita mengesa pihak
kementerian pengangkutan mengkaji semula kadar yuran bagi harga lesen kereta
dan harga lesen motor berkuasa tinggi yang terlalu tinggi supaya ianya
berpatutan dengan keadaan kegawatan ekonomi sekarang. Kalau boleh diturunkan
kurang dari seribu ringgit untuk memudahkan pelanggan yang berpendapatan rendah
belajar memandu dan mendapatkan lesen memandu yang sah.
Sebarang caj yang
tidak sepatutnya dikenakan keatas pelanggan patut dimansuhkan oleh pihak
berkuasa kerana rakyat sudah cukup terbeban dengan berbagai masalah seperti
GST, kenaikan harga barang keperluan dan sebagainya maka sewajarnya pihak
kementerian pengangkutan mengkaji semula kadar yuran belajar memandu demi untuk
meringankan bebanan rakyat yang semakin terdesak ketika ini.
Masalah ini sudah
lama diadukan oleh pelanggan kepada pihak kerajaan tetapi sehingga kini belum
ada tanda-tanda pihak kerajaan atau kementerian yang berkenaan mengambil
perhatian akan masalah yang dihadapi oleh golongan yang berpendapatan rendah
Kita harap pihak
berkenaan memberi perhatian serta mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya keatas
masalah yang dihadapi oleh rakyat masakini dan kerjasama dengan pihak yang
berkenaan untuk mengatasi masalah ini dengan segera amat dihargai.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Sarawak
English version
Fees and Charges of Driving Training Too Expensive
For learning to
drive and have a valid driving license nowadays increasingly expensive and
burden the customer. Back then it was not as expensive as it is today, where
they just need to learn to identify the signs of signals and the regulations of
road besides how to drive the vehicle correctly.
Nowadays various
regulations need to be done such as driver education courses, practical
exercises, practical training, assessment tests, RTD practical tests, hire
circuits and GST levied on customers who want to get a valid driving license by
the Institute of Driving and Driving School.
Fees for a car
driving license up to hit more than one thousand ringgit of course this burden
low-income customers. Although in 2014, has been listed by the Road Transport
Department (RTD) that the prices of a license for car and motor have been set,
but why nowadays the Institute of Driving and Driving Schools charge too high
on the customers.
Car License Price
list & Motorcycle License Price 2014
◦ License Motor
Price (B2): RM350
◦ License Motor
Price (B) High Power: RM900
◦ Car License Price
(D) Manual: RM1,150
◦ Car License Price
(DA) Auto: RM1,250
In the country's
economic situation worsening and the burden on the people, the government,
especially the ministry of transport should pay attention on this issue. The
authorities need to monitor and act on any of Institute of Driving and Driving
Schools who exorbitant charges to customers.
Indeed, customers
must and should learn to drive properly and disciplined on the road with learn
to know the signs of signals and the rules of the road, but why it cost to
learn to drive and get a driving license is too expensive.
Is it necessary to
educate the motorist with a high cost? To educate road users to be disciplined
is to educate them right from the primary school not a grown-up that is
certainly difficult for them to change their attitude.
Although they have
a valid driving license but there is also a lack of disciplined drivers on the
road. However, not all road users to behave haphazardly on the road only a few
that are still unscrupulous probably due egos or other problems when being on
the road, especially when traffic congestion and an emergency causes them to
act aggressively.
The government must
find the best methods to discipline road users to enable them to have a valid
driving license. Perhaps because the cost of getting a driving license legally
is too expensive then there are road users who do not have a driving license who
violate traffic regulations.
We urge the
ministry of transport revise the fees for a car driving license price and motor
license class B price too high so that it is affordable with an economic
downturn. If it can be lowered less than one thousand ringgit to help
low-income customers learning to drive and getting a valid driving license.
Any charges that
should not be imposed on the customers should be repealed by the authorities
because the people already burdened enough with various problems such as GST,
an increase in prices of essential goods and so on it deserves the transport
ministry review the fee rates of learned to drive in order to ease the burden
of the people who were increasingly desperate at the moment.
This issue has long
been complained by the customer to the government but until now there has been
no sign of the government or the ministries concerned to take note of the
problems faced by this low-income group.
We hope the parties
concerned to pay attention and take appropriate action on the problems faced by
the people today and cooperation with relevant parties to resolve this issue
immediately is greatly appreciated.
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