Pelantikan Datuk Bandar hendaklah bebas daripada pengaruh politik

MIRI – Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kabong, Mohd Chee Kadir mahu dan berharap untuk melihat lebih banyak golongan profesional dilantik sebagai kaunselor dalam Majlis Bandaraya Miri (MBM). Beliau yang juga timbalan datuk bandar Miri mengulas mengenai pelantikan datuk bandar baru dan timbalannya yang akan tamat pada 30 Jun ini.

Kita bersetuju dengan cadangan tersebut termasuk lantikan datuk bandar dan timbalannya serta kaunselor patut dilantik dari kalangan profesional bukan dari kalangan ahli politik. Ianya perlu bebas dari pengaruh ahli politik dan dilantik dari berbagai etnik tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik.

Pelantikan tersebut sudah pasti menimbulkan masalah apabila ada campur tangan ahli politik. Baru-baru ini pun terdapat beberapa pertubuhuan bukan kerajaan serta ahli Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) mahu jawatan datuk bandar itu diisi oleh PBB ekoran parti itu telah banyak membantu kemenangan SUPP di bandaraya Miri dan Barisan Nasional dalam pilihan raya lalu.

Pelantikan ahli MBM sememangnya menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan negeri tetapi yang menjadi persoalannya apabila kerajaan negeri cenderung melantik mereka yang mewakili parti masing-masing maka timbul permasalahan samada mereka yang dilantik itu mewakili parti ataupun mewakili penduduk setempat.

Perkara ini jelas membawa pelbagai masalah bahkan telah menyusahkan penduduk dikawasan tersebut sekiranya mereka tidak menyokong parti yang diwakili oleh ahli majlis yang dilantik oleh parti politik yang berkenaan.

Apabila ahli majlis yang dilantik mewakili parti masing-masing ianya dianggap  bertentangan dengan syarat lantikan kerana pelantikan ahli majlis seharusnya mewakili penduduk setempat agar masalah penduduk dapat disampaikan terus kepada kerajaan yang memerintah dan bukannya menjadikan MBM sebagai agenda politik masing-masing.

Sepatutnya mereka ini bebas dari mana-mana anggota parti politik sebab apabila waktu pilihan raya mereka akan menggunakan kuasa MBM untuk mempengaruhi pengundi untuk mengundi calon mereka dan parti politik yang mereka anggotai.

Kita mencadangkan agar golongan profesional yang dilantik terdiri dari mereka yang tidak terlibat dengan mana-mana ahli parti politik agar mereka dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik dan bebas dari cengkaman ahli politik.

Lantikan datuk bandar dan ahli MBM perlu dilakukan 5 tahun sekali dan mereka perlu menjalankan tugas mereka secara profesional dan tidak menyalahguna kuasa untuk agenda politik masing-masing. Tugas mereka sama juga macam wakil rakyat dimana mereka seharusnya menjalankan tugas secara telus dan adil tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik.

Harap pelantikan datuk bandar dan ahli MBM boleh dikaji semula untuk menjadikan bandaraya Miri lebih maju dengan cemerlang di masa akan datang.

Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak

English version

Appointment of the Mayor should be free from political influence

MIRI – Member of Legislative Assembly (Assemblyman) Kabong, Mohd Chee Kadir want and hope to see more professionals appointed as a counselor in Miri City Council (MCC). He is also Miri deputy mayor commenting on the appointment of a new mayor and his deputy who will expire on June 30.

We agree with the proposal, including the appointment of mayors and deputies as well as counselors should be appointed from among professionals rather than politicians. It should be free from the influence of politicians and appointed from various ethnic groups, regardless of race, religion and political affiliation.

The appointment is certainly cause problems when there is interference of politicians. Recently there has been some establishment with non-governmental organizations and members of Parti Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) want the post of mayor filled by the PBB following the party's victory have helped SUPP in Miri city and Barisan Nasional in the last election.

Appointment of members of the council is the responsibility of the state government but the question is when the state government is likely to appoint those who represent their parties then raised the question of whether they were elected to represent the party or representative of the local population.

This is clearly brought many problems and even troubling the residents in that area if they did not support the party that is represented by a member of the council appointed by the political party concerned.

When councilors are elected to represent their respective parties it considered contrary to the conditions of appointment because the appointment of councilors should represent the local population so that the population problem can be delivered directly to the ruling government and not make MCC as their own political agenda.

They should be free from any political party member because when election time they will use the power of MCC to influence voters to vote for their candidate and political party to which they belong.

We recommend that the professionals appointed consists of those who are not involved with any political party so that they can do a good job and be free from the clutches of politicians.

Appointment of mayors and MCC members need to be done 5 years once and they need to perform their duties in a professional manner and not abuse power for their own political agenda. Their duties also like representatives of the people where they should perform their duties in a transparent and fair, regardless of race, religion and political affiliation.

Hope the appointment of mayors and MCC members can be reviewed to make Miri city more advanced with distinction in the near future.