Kekurangan kakitangan wanita untuk merawat pesakit wanita di Poliklinik dan Hospital
Masalah yang dihadapi oleh pesakit wanita, terutamanya mereka yang beragama Islam semasa pemeriksaan kesihatan pada bahagian sulit dan semasa bersalin atau melahirkan anak perlu ditangani oleh Kementerian Kesihatan.

Di pakar mata hospital di Miri, dia berkata doktor wanita perlu ada ketika menjalani pembedahan / pemeriksaan untuk pesakit wanita sahaja kerana muka wanita dan Fasilitasi badan hanya boleh disentuh oleh doktor wanita bukan doktor lelaki kecuali dalam keadaan kecemasan.
Menurut beliau lagi, pakaian yang digunakan mendedahkan aurat dan paling membuat dia merasa malu adalah apabila dari bilik persalinan keluar ke ruang menunggu untuk pembedahan mata. Tudung kepala diarah buka (pakai tudung plastik yang disediakan oleh pihak hospital) Apabila keluar dari bilik operasi dengan pakaian yang menunjukkan aurat ketika melewati depan orang ramai.
Kami menggesa Kementerian Kesihatan untuk membuat tempat khusus bagi wanita Islam supaya aurat atau badan mereka tidak akan didedahkan kepada orang ramai atau semasa peperiksaan jika boleh ianya dikendalikan oleh seorang doktor wanita khususnya dalam bidang pakar sakit puan dan lain-lain yang melibatkan penyakit kelamin.
Diharap masalah ini boleh diselesaikan sebaik mungkin demi melindungi maruah wanita Islam dan bukan Islam daripada terdedah kepada gangguan seksual semasa menjalani pemeriksaan di klinik kesihatan dan hospital. Kerjasama dengan pihak yang berkaitan sangat dihargai.
Jofri Jaraiee
Pesuruhjaya PAS, Sarawak
English version
The shortage of female staff to treat female patients in Polyclinic and Hospital
The problems faced by female patients, especially those who are Muslims during the health inspection on genitals and during labor or childbirth need to be addressed by the Ministry of Health.
We have received complaints about the issue of Muslim women who had to go to the clinic after the doctor ordered her to reveal her aurat (private parts) for an x-ray. The only male officer who was in the x-ray room at that time and she was very scared because no female staff was in the room. She was told to wear a dress that was exposed to the part of the aurat thus revealing the back of the body, calves and other parts of the aurat. Although there is, no undesirable thing happens she said she was very scared in case of sexual harassment.
At the hospital eye specialist in Miri, she said female doctors should be present when undergoing surgery/check-ups for female patients only because women's facial and body facilitation can only be touched by women doctors, not a male doctor, except in an emergency.
According to her, the clothing used was exposed to the aurat and most made her feel embarrassed when leaving the dressing room to the waiting room for eye surgery. A headscarf is open (use plastic lid provided by the hospital). When it comes out of the operating room with clothes that show aurat when passing through the front of the crowd.
We urge the Ministry of Health to create a special place for Muslim women so that their aurat or body will not be exposed to the public or during the examination, if it can be handled by a female doctor, especially in the area of a gynecologist and others involving sexually transmitted diseases.
Hopefully, this problem can be solved as best as possible in protecting the dignity of Muslim and non-Muslim women from being exposed to sexual harassment while undergoing an examination at health clinics and hospitals. Cooperation with related parties is highly appreciated.