hampir usang menanti bantuan Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR)

Walaupun kerajaan
ada Program Bantuan Rumah (PBR) dengan menyediakan bantuan kewangan dan
pengurusan bagi membolehkan kumpulan sasar mendiami rumah yang lebih selamat
dan selesa berbanding tempat kediaman mereka yang lalu tetapi matlamat program ini
masih belum mencapai sasaran untuk meningkatkan
kualiti kehidupan mereka yang amat memerlu bantuan.
Salah seorang
penduduk di Tudan Phasa 5 Lutong Jalan Kuala Baram Miri mengadu masalah tempat
tinggal mereka yang hampir usang dan roboh. En Maru Timin 60 tahun dan
isterinya Pn Maliah Dris 62 tahun amat memerlukan bantuan segera membaiki rumah
mereka yang usang itu. Maru bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan dan isterinya
Maliah tidak bekerja hanya menjaga cucu mereka yang masih kecil

Mereka amat
berharap masalah mereka ini diberi perhatian oleh pihak berkuasa agar bebanan
kehidupan harian mereka sekeluarga dapat dikurangkan.
Disamping itu
masalah peparitan yang tersumbat dan parit yang tidak disiap sepenuhnya
menyebabkan banjir kilat berlaku di kawasan perumahan mereka. Mereka memohon
pihak yang berkenaan agar segera mengatasi masalah ini.
Kita mengesa pihak
berkuasa dan badan kebajikan dapat melihat sendiri keadaan rumah mereka yang
amat memerlukan bantuan. Kita juga berharap cucu mereka yang berumur 8 tahun dapat
belajar di sekolah seperti kanak-kanak lain yang seusia dengannya.
Kerjasama dengan
pihak berkuasa dan mereka yang berkenaan untuk mengatasi masalah rakyat ini
amat dihargai.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
house is almost dilapidated waiting for help of Housing Assistance Program

m continues to be a burden to the less
Although the
government have the Housing Assistance Program (PBR) to provide financial
assistance and management to enable the target groups live in the house a more
secure and comfortable than their dwellings in the past but the goal of this
program has not yet reached the target to improve the quality of life of those
who are in need of help.
One of the
residents in Tudan Phase 5 Lutong, Jalan Kuala Baram Miri complains that their
homes had almost obsolete and collapsed. Mr Maru Timin 60 years and his wife
Mrs. Maliah Dris 62 years in dire need of immediate assistance to repair their
houses that is dilapidated. Maru worked as a security guard and his wife Maliah
is not working just take care of their grandchildren who are still small.
According to Maru
they ever applied for assistance to rebuild their dilapidated house, but to
date, no answer is received from the relevant authorities. Maliah his wife also
begged the Welfare Department and the Baitulmal can provide monthly assistance
to their families because they also take care of their grandsons aged 8 years that
is still not going to school.
They hope that
their problem is given attention by the authorities so that the burden of daily
life in their families can be reduced.
Besides, the problems
that are clogged drains and ditch that are not fully completed causes the flash
floods happen in their neighborhood. They apply the relevant authorities to
immediately address this problem.
We urge the
authorities and welfare organizations can see the condition of their homes in
dire need of help. We also hope that their grandchildren aged 8 years old can
learn in school like other children of his age.
Cooperation with
the authorities and those concerned to resolve the people's problems is greatly