Berikan keutamaan kepada Pribumi
Sarawak dengan menguatkuasakan pindaan Seksyen 6A (2)

Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas berkata dengan
pindaan Seksyen 6A (2), had kawasan tuntutan kawasan wilayah liputan pribumi
(Native territorial domain-NTD) ditambah sehingga 1,000 hektar berbanding
sebelum dipinda hanya 500 hektar.
Kami menerima aduan dari penduduk Kampung Usahajaya Tukau Miri, Sarawak
yang tanah mereka akan diambil oleh pihak pemaju dan mereka memohon agar
kerajaan Sarawak menguatkuasakan Rang Undang-Undang (RUU) Kanun Tanah (Pindaan)
2018 selepas Seksyen 6A (2) dan Seksyen 6A (3) (b) dipinda.
Jika pindaan seksyen 6A (2), had kawasan tuntutan ke atas pribumi
(Native Territories Domain - NTD) tidak dikuatkuasakan, ia boleh menjejaskan
tanah dan tempat kediaman mereka yang telah diterokai oleh datuk nenek mereka
Antara objektif utama Rang Undang-Undang Kanun Tanah (Pindaan) 2018
adalah untuk memberi NTD kuasa undang-undang, dan untuk mengeluarkan hakmilik
NTD selama-lamanya kepada penduduk pribumi.

Kalau penduduk pribumi yang memiliki tanah pusaka mereka dihalang dan
diusir dari tempat kediaman mereka, apa yang akan terjadi dengan nasib anak
bangsa pribumi dimasa akan datang?
Adakah kerajaan Sarawak mahu melihat keadaan hidup mereka seperti
gelandangan atau 'menjadi pelarian' di tanah air mereka sendiri dan mereka
hidup dalam kemiskinan tiada tempat tinggal
dan tempat mereka bercucuk tanam untuk menyara kehidupan harian mereka
juga dirampas oleh pihak pemaju?
Kami sekali lagi menggesa dan merayu kepada kerajaan Sarawak agar Kanun
Tanah (Pindaan) 2018 selepas Seksyen 6A (2) dan Seksyen 6A (3) (b) yang dipinda
dikuatkuasakan dengan serta-merta untuk menjaga kepentingan pribumi Sarawak dan
selamat untuk diduduki tanpa campur tangan dari mana-mana pihak yang mempunyai
Mudah-mudahan masalah ini boleh diselesaikan dengan cara yang terbaik
dan memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak dan biarkan ia berada dalam situasi
menang-menang. Kerjasama dengan semua pihak yang berkaitan untuk menyelesaikan
masalah ini dengan sebaik mungkin dan dengan serta-merta sangat dihargai.
Jofri Jaraiee
Pesuruhjaya PAS, Sarawak
English version
Give priority to Sarawak natives
by enforcing the amended of Section 6A (2)
Sarawak State Legislative Assembly has passed The Land Code (Amendment)
Bill, 2018 after Section 6A (2) and Section 6A (3) (b) be amended.
Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said with the
amendment of Section 6A (2), the area of Native Territory Domain (NTD) area
coverage was increased by up to 1,000 hectares compared to before being amended
only 500 hectares.
We received complaints from residents of Kampung Usahajaya Tukau Miri,
Sarawak which their land will be taken by the developer and they request that
the Sarawak Government enforce the Land Code (Amendment) Bill 2018 after
Section 6A (2) and Section 6A (3) (b) amended.
If the amendment of section 6A (2), the limits of the claim on
Indigenous (Native Territories Domain - NTD) is not enforced, it may affect
their land and place of residence which had been explored by their forefathers
Among the main objectives of the Land Code (Amendment) Bill 2018 is to
give NTD the force of law, and to issue NTD titles indefinitely to Indigenous
We urge the Sarawak government, concerned with the problems faced by
Sarawak indigenous who inherit their ancestral land from generation to
generation but have no ownership or land grant. The government should give
priority to the indigenous population before giving developers the opportunity
to develop their land.
If indigenous people who own their ancestral land is prevented and
evicted from their home, what will happen with the fate of indigenous peoples
in the future?
Does the Sarawak government want to see their living conditions as
homeless or to be 'refugees' in their own homeland and they live in homeless
poverty and their place of planting to support their daily lives is also taken
over by the developer?
We again urged and appealed to the Sarawak government for the Land Code
(Amendment) 2018 after Section 6A (2) and Section 6A (3) (b) amended is
enforced immediately to safeguard the interests of the natives of Sarawak and
is safe to occupy without any interference from any interested party.
Hopefully, this problem can be solved in the best possible way, and it
will benefit all parties and let them be in a win-win situation. Collaboration
with all concerned parties to resolve this issue as best as possible and immediately
greatly appreciated.