Kegiatan pengorek pasir jejas pesisir
Kawasan pesisir pantai adalah kawasan sensitif dan terdedah kepada pelbagai ancaman seperti hakisan yang boleh mempengaruhi kesejahteraan hidup manusia, persekitaran, dan ekosistem. Kajian ini mengenal pasti bentuk penyesuaian masyarakat pesisir di Kampung Muhibbah Kuala Baram, dekat dengan laut untuk mengatasi ancaman hakisan pantai untuk meneruskan kelangsungan hidup seperti biasa.
Adaptasi jangka masa pendek ialah membina benteng guni pasir untuk mengukuhkan tebing sungai daripada impak deras dentuman ombak dan sekaligus dapat mengurangkan hakisan tebing terjadi. Adaptasi jangkamasa sederhana ialah seperti menanam pokok-pokok di persekitaran kediaman seperti menanam pokok kelapa dan juga membuat ubah suai terhadap rumah yang mereka diami. Langkah ini dirasakan mampu untuk masyarakat menanganinya dalam tempoh setahun ke lima tahun
Bagi nelayan, aktiviti ini menyebabkan hasil tangkapan mereka berkurang dan sumber pendapatan juga terjejas kerana aktiviti pengorekan dan pembangunan di sekitar kawasan itu. Selain mempengaruhi pendapatan nelayan tempatan yang menjadikan pantai sebagai sumber mata pencarian mereka, penurunan hasil makanan laut juga mempengaruhi bekalan, yang mengakibatkan kenaikan harga di pasar.
Penduduk merayu kepada kerajaan untuk mendengar suara mereka dan bertindak segera untuk kelangsungan hidup masyarakat nelayan dan hakisan pantai boleh menjejaskan rumah-rumah penduduk pantai.
Kami menggesa pihak berwajib untuk bertindak sewajarnya agar kehidupan dan keselamatan penduduk tidak terjejas oleh kegiatan pengorekan pasir yang tidak terkawal di kawasan kediaman mereka.
Penduduk perkampungan nelayan yang miskin dan mengalami kesukaran
mencari nafkah, terutama pada masa Covid-19, sangat berharap pihak berkuasa
bertindak adil dan dapat melindungi nyawa mereka dari hakisan pantai ini.
Pihak berkuasa juga perlu mengkaji semula aktiviti pengorek pasir di pantai ini. Sekiranya tidak ditangani dengan betul, ada kemungkinan besar suatu hari kawasan pesisir akan menjadi lautan kerana hakisan dan air pasang dapat menyebabkan banjir.
Sekali lagi, kami mengesa dan meminta agar pihak berwajib memperhatikan aktiviti pengorek pasir ini agar tidak menjejaskan keselamatan penduduk dan hakisan pantai dapat diatasi dengan segera. Kerjasama dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam mengatasi masalah ini dengan segera amat dihargai.
Jofri Jaraiee
Pesuruhjaya PAS Sarawak
English version
Sand dredging activities affect
the coast
Coastal areas are sensitive areas and are prone to various threats such as erosion that can affect the well-being of human life, the environment, and ecosystems. This study identifies the form of adaptation of the coastal community in Kampung Muhibbah Kuala Baram, close to the sea to overcome the threat of coastal erosion to continue as normal.
Short-term adaptation is to build sandbag fortifications to strengthen
the shoreline from the effects of rapid waves and at the same time reduce the
erosion of the cliffs. Medium-term adaptations are like planting trees in the
living environment such as planting coconut trees and also making modifications
to the house they live in. This step is felt to be able to be done by the
community to deal with it within one year to five years.
Sand dredging activities along the coast of Kuala Baram also need to be
reduced so that this erosion problem can be overcome. The sand dredging
activity for many years, not far from the fishing village, Kampung Muhibbah
Kuala Baram, close to the sea has become increasingly worrying for the
residents because it is alleged to affect the settlement areas of fishermen who
live there.
For fishermen, this activity causes their catch to decrease and the source of income is also affected due to dredging and development activities around that area. In addition to affecting the income of local fishermen who make the coast a source of their livelihood, the decline in seafood yields also affects supply, resulting in rising prices in the market.
Residents appealed to the government to hear their voices and act immediately for the survival of the fishing community and coastal erosion could affect the homes of coastal residents.
We urge the authorities to act accordingly so that the lives and safety of the residents are not affected by uncontrolled sand dredging activities in their residential areas. Residents of fishing villages who are poor and have difficulty earning a living, especially in the time of Covid-19, desperately hope the authorities act fairly and can protect their lives from this coastal erosion.
Authorities also need to review sand dredging activities on this beach. If not handled properly, there is a high probability that one day the coastal area will become an ocean as erosion and high tide can cause flooding.
Once again, we urge and request that the authorities pay attention to the activities of these sand dredgers so as not to affect the safety of the residents and coastal erosion can be overcome immediately. Cooperation with the parties involved in overcoming this problem immediately is greatly appreciated.
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