Sikap Pemimpin BN/PBB menganggap pandangan orang lain sebagai bodoh amat dikesali
Merujuk kepada kenyataan dua orang pemimpin BN dalam Borneo Post yang tidak bersetuju pemasangan CCTV di pusat-pusat pengundian dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke13 sebagai tidak praktikal dan sama seperti pemutus fitnah pada kredibiliti Jawatankuasa Pilihan Raya (SPR) sebagai pandangan mereka yang tidak mahu menerima pembaharuan.
Itu adalah pandangan peribadi mereka yang tidak bersetuju dan bukannya mewakili pandangan orang ramai atau rakyat. Bukan tugas mereka untuk menerima atau menolak cadangan mana-mana pihak untuk menambahbaik cara proses pengundian di negara ini. Tugas ini hanya dijalankan oleh pihak SPR bukan tugas pemimpin BN.
Cara dan sikap pemimpin BN yang menolak cadangan pihak pembangkang untuk menambahbaik sistem pengundian di negara ini jelas menunjukkan mereka sukar untuk menerima pembaharuan atau tranformasi yang dilaung-laungkan oleh Perdana Menteri. Sikap serta tingkah-laku cara mereka membalas pandangan orang lain sambil menganggap pandangan orang lain sebagai cadangan yang bodoh dan tidak munasabah adalah amat dikesali.
Ini jelas menunjukkan sikap mereka yang sombong dan tidak professional apabila menerima pandangan orang lain sekalipun orang yang memberi pandangan tersebut tidak sealiran dengan pandangan mereka. Biarkan pihak SPR sendiri yang mengkaji sama ada ianya sesuai atau tidak untuk menerima atau menolak pandangan seseorang bukannya pemimpin PBB/BN.
Tiada alasan untuk pihak pembangkang takut atau tidak percaya dengan kredibiliti Jawatankuasa Pilihan Raya (SPR) seperti didakwa oleh pemimpin BN, yang takut adalah dari pihak BN sendiri sebab mereka tidak mahu ketelusan berlaku dalam sistem pengundian dalam negara ini. Sekalipun pemimpin PBB/BN menolak cadangan pembaharuan dalam proses pengundian, apa yang penting adalah kepentingan rakyat perlu diberi perhatian dan keutamaan.
Kita mengesa pihak SPR teruskan bekerja dengan secara professional dan bebas tanpa perlu takut dengan serta ugutan pihak tertentu yang tidak suka menerima perubahan. Harap pihak SPR dapat menerima candangan seseorang dengan sikap terbuka tanpa mengira fahaman politik.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
The attitude of BN/PBB leaders assume the views of others as silly is much regretted
Referring to the statement of two BN leaders in the Borneo Post that do not agree the installation of CCTV at polling stations in the 13th General Election as impractical and as casting aspersion on the credibility of the Election Committee (EC) as the views of those who do not want to accept the reforms.
That is the view of those who do not agree and not represent the views of the public or people. Not their job to accept or reject any proposal to improve the way the voting process in this country. This task is carried out by the EC is not a task of BN leaders.
The behavior and the attitude of the BN leaders who reject the opposition's suggestion to improve the electoral system in this country clearly shows that they are difficult to accept reform or transformation that proclaimed by the Prime Minister. The attitude and the behavior of their way respond the views of others while assume the views of others as a stupid suggestion and unreasonable is deplorable.
This clearly shows the attitude that they are arrogant and unprofessional when accept the views of others, even those who give are not aligned with their views. Let the EC that study whether it is appropriate or not to accept or reject the view rather than the PBB/BN leader.
There is no excuse for the opposition fear or do not believe in the credibility of the Election Committee (EC) as claimed by the BN leaders, the fear is from the BN because they do not want transparency in the system of voting in this country. Even though PBB/BN leaders rejects the proposed of renewal which the important thing is interest is the people should be given attention and priority. Even though PBB/BN leader’s rejects suggestion the reform of the electoral process, what is important is the interest of the people should be given the attention and priority.
We urge the EC to continue working with a professional and independent manner without having to fear and intimidation by certain quarters who do not like change. Hope the EC will accept suggestions with an open manner irrespective of political affiliation.
Yours faithfully
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Sarawak Deputy Commissioner iii cum PAS Miri Chief
Article from Borneo post
‘Opposition call for CCTVs at polling centres impractical’
by Peter Boon Posted on March 26, 2013, Tuesday
SIBU: The opposition’s call for the installation of CCTV at polling centres in the 13th General Election is impractical and tantamount to casting aspersion on the credibility of Election Committee (EC).
State BN secretary-general Datuk Dr Stephen Rundi said yesterday it only reflected the opposition was desperate and might resort to anything to win the election.
He was reacting to PAS Miri chief Jofri Jaraiee’s call for use of more sophisticated device to monitor the voting process, saying CCTV would prevent cheating and abuse during the voting process.
“In BN, that is never an issue because we are confident of EC handling the election process.
“The fact that some states were won by the opposition in the 12th General Election, how is it possible if there was any element of cheating or bias by EC,” Dr Rundi, who is also PBB secretary-general and Assistant Minister of Public Utilities (Electricity and Telecommunications), said.
PBB supreme council member Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah regarded the opposition’s suggestion at the eleventh hour for CCTV at polling centres and checking at movement of ballot boxes as downright silly and illogical. “How ridiculous this suggestion could be if we are to see how many thousands of polling centres there are all throughout the country.
“What the opposition need to do now is to learn have faith in the professionalism of EC in handling the election.
“They should not keep on undermining the credibility of EC.
“This is the same EC that conducted the election in 2008 where the opposition won many seats and even few states.
Abdul Karim, who is Asajaya assemblyman and Assistant Minister of Youth Development, recalled some months back, the parliament set up a ‘reform committee’ to look at proposed changes to Election Laws for this forthcoming election.
The committee, he said, comprised of BN and opposition members and public was allowed to meet and propose their views.
“Pursuant to this committee set up and its findings, new positive changes were adopted among others, the use of the ink and acceptance of overseas voters.”
To the opposition, he said: “So, don’t give stupid and unreasonable suggestion…unless they are out to get some cheap publicity.”
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