Perhimpunan Aman Di Miri Tanpa Sebarang Kekecohan
MIRI - Perhimpunan aman BERSIH 3.0 dan Hijau yang pertama kali diadakan di hadapan pejabat daerah Miri pada 28hb April 2012 telah mendapat sambutan yang hangat dari penduduk bandaraya Miri.
Perhimpunan aman ini dianjurkan oleh pihak NGO dengan kerjasama pertubuhan politik telah menarik ramai pihak menyertainya termasuk pihak yang menentang pembinaan Empangan di Baram.
Orang ramai yang datang dan berkumpul seawal jam 2 petang dengan kerjasama dengan pihak keselamatan telah melicinkan perjalanan perhimpunan ini tanpa ada sebarang gangguan dari pihak tertentu.
Beberapa pemimpin NGO yang diketuai oleh Mark Bujang dan juga wakil pemimpin parti pakatan diberi beberapa minit berucap tanpa sebarang gangguan dari pihak berkuasa. Mereka menuntut agar pihak kerajaan melaksanakan sistem pilihanraya di Malaysia dilakukan secara telus dan adil tanpa ada sebarang penipuan.
Kalau pihak keselamatan bekerjasama dengan pihak penganjur dengan baik maka tiada berlaku sebarang perkara yang tidak diingini seperti perhimpunan aman di Kuala Lumpur dimana pihak keselamatan dan juga Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) cuba menghalang perhimpunan aman yang diadakan di dataran merdeka. Kekecohan berlaku apabila tiada kerjasama antara pihak keselamatan dengan pihak penganjur.
Mengapa pihak keselamatan di Kuala Lumpur cuba menghalangkan perhimpunan aman tersebut diadakan di dataran merdeka sehingga menimbulkan kekecohan? Adakah mereka ini diarah oleh pihak tertentu sehingga menimbulkan kekecohan?
Kalau rakyat dibenarkan berhimpun secara aman masalah rusuhan dan kekacauan tidak akan berlaku kecuali ada kemungkinan pihak tertentu yang ingin melihat kekecohan berlaku kerana ada kepentingan politik. Setelah mereka puas menyuarakan perasaan mereka sudah pasti selepas itu mereka akan balik semula ke tempat masing-masing tanpa perlu diganggu kecuali ada kemungkinan pihak-pihak tertentu yang cuba sabotaj perhimpunan tersebut dengan provokasi.
Sepatutnya tugas pihak keselamatan pada masa itu ialah memberi kerjasama dengan baik kepada pihak pengajur seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh pihak keselamatan di Sarawak. Mereka dapat memberi kerjasama dengan baik kepada penganjur.
Tiada sebarang rusuhan dan provokasi yang boleh menyebabkan pihak keselamatan terpaksa bertindak untuk menghuraikan sebarang pergaduhan atau rusuhan di tempat tersebut kalau dijaga dengan baik.
Perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 dan Hijau di Miri telah membuktikan tiada sebarang berlaku rusuhan atau kekecohan apabila semua pihak dapat bekerjasama dengan baik.
Kita mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih kepada anggota keselamatan di Miri khususnya kerana memberi kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak penganjur dan juga orang ramai yang berhimpun pada waktu tersebut.
Kalau semua pihak dapat bekerjasama dengan baik sudah pasti rakyat dan pihak pemerintah akan hidup aman dan harmoni tanpa ada sebarang prejudis. Hanya mereka yang melakukan kesalahan saja takut menghadapi kenyataan.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri Sarawak
English version
Peace rally in Miri without any Commotion
MIRI - A peaceful rally BERSIH 3.0 and Green which was 1st time held in front of the Miri district office on 28th April 2012 has received overwhelming response from the people of Miri city.
This peaceful rally organized by the NGO in collaboration with the political organization has attracted many people to participate including those who oppose construction of the dam in the Baram.
People who came and gathered as early as 2pm in cooperation with the security make this rally run smoothly without any interference from certain quarters.
Several NGO leaders led by Mark Bujang and the coalition party leaders representatives are given a few minutes of speech without any interference from the authorities. They demanded that the government implement the electoral system in Malaysia done in a transparent and fair without any fraud.
If the security can cooperate with the organizers well there is no case of any unforeseen risks will occur as a peaceful rally in Kuala Lumpur where the security and Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) are trying to stop a peaceful rally held at the Merdeka square. Commotion occurs when there is no cooperation between the security forces with the organizers.
Why the security in Kuala Lumpur try to blocks the peaceful rally took place in Merdeka square until cause commotion? Are they instructed by certain parties until cause commotion?
If the people are allowed to gather peacefully, riot and disorder problems will not occur unless there are possibilities of certain parties who want to see commotion occurs because there have political interests.
Once they are satisfied to express their feelings then they definitely will return to their places without having to be disturbed unless there is a possibility of certain parties who try to sabotage the rally with provocation.
Should be the security duty at that time is to give good cooperation with the organizer as shown by the security forces in Sarawak. They can give good cooperation with the organizers.
There were no riots and provocation that would cause the security forces had to act to resolve any fights or riots in the place if treated with care.
BERSIH 3.0 rally and Green in Miri had proven there were no riots or commotion when all parties work well.
We express thanks to the member of the security in Miri in particular for giving good cooperation with the organizers and the public who had gathered at the time.
If all parties can work together well of course the people and the government will live in peace and harmony without any prejudice. Only those who committed the offense are afraid to face the reality.
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