Nasib Penduduk Lereng Bukit Kanada Yang TerbiarMiri - Kejadian tanah runtuh yang berlaku di Miri pada 16hb Januari 2009 beberapa tahun yang lalu telah menyebabkan penduduk yang tinggal di lereng bukit terpaksa berpindah dengan serta merta atas arahan pihak berkuasa ke tempat yang lebih selamat.
Pada hari kejadian tersebut sebuah stesen minyak Shell yang terletak di kaki bukit terkena runtuhan tanah susur dari atas bukit yang berdekatan. Dua orang pekerja stesen minyak Shell tersebut mati tertimbus dibawah runtuhan tersebut.

Ramai penduduk yang tinggal berdekatan di tempat kejadian telah diarah berpindah ke tempat yang selamat dan ada diantara mereka yang menumpang bersama saudara mara mereka dan ada juga terpaksa menyewa sementara menunggu arahan pihak berkuasa agar mereka boleh kembali semula ke kediaman mereka.

Setelah mereka diarah berpindah ke tempat yang selamat,ada diantara mereka terpaksa menyewa di rumah kotak (Flat) sementara menunggu tempat tinggal yang baru seperti yang dijanjikan oleh pihak berkuasa. Oleh kerana ada diantara mereka yang tidak mampu membayar sewa terpaksa kembali semula ke tempat tinggal asal mereka di lereng bukit.
Setelah hampir 3 tahun berlalu, salah seorang penduduk yang tinggal di lereng bukit Kanada bersama 5 orang anaknya, sdr Ramlee Bin Pen telah mengadu kepada PAS Miri dimana beliau ada menerima surat dari Pejabat Residen Bahagian Miri pada tahun 2009 yang meminta beliau untuk meroboh dan mengosongkan tapak Lot 819 Blok 8 Miri, Concession Land District yang diduduki mereka agar pindah dengan serta merta semasa kejadian tanah runtuh beberapa tahun yang lalu.

Sebelum kejadian tanah runtuh tersebut berlaku pada 2009, Ramlee pernah memohon tanah Lot di Skim Penempatan Semula Desaras Tudan daripada Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur bahagian Miri pada 25hb April 2006, tetapi pemohonan beliau ditolak pada 10hb Mei 2006 dengan alasan “tidak dipertimbangkan”.

Pada tarikh 4hb Disember 2008 beliau ada menerima surat dipanggil temuduga untuk Skim Penempatan Semula Tudan Desaras disebabkan ada kes tanah runtuh kawasan Padang Kerbau/Kpg Hj Wahed di Miri.
Setelah 2 tahun beliau menunggu dengan penuh harapan untuk dapat tanah Lot di Skim Penempatan Semula Desaras Tudan seperti yang dijanjikan sehingga kini masih belum ada tanda-tanda tanah Lot tersebut akan diberikan kepada beliau.

Beliau sering kali pergi ke pejabat Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur bahagian Miri dan bertanya status tanah Lot tersebut, tetapi alasan yang diterima kelulusan belum lagi diterima dari Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur di Kuching

Menurut beliau setelah segala usaha untuk mendapat tanah Lot tersebut gagal, beliau terpaksa balik semula ke tempat tinggal asal beliau di lereng bukit. Pondok yang beliau diami sekarang amat daif dan tidak mempunyai bekalan air bersih dan tiada elektrik jadi terpaksalah mereka menggunakan air hujan sebagai sumber bekalan air untuk minum dan memasak dan lilin sebagai penerang atau cahaya di waktu gelap (malam).

Beliau yang bekerja sebagai jaga di sebuah sekolah mengharap sangat pihak kerajaan dapat membantu beliau sekeluarga agar segera menyelesaikan masalah beliau dengan menunaikan janji untuk dapatkan tanah Lot tempat tinggal yang lebih selesa dan selamat.

Begitulah nasib yang menimpa penduduk yang tinggal di lereng Bukit Kanada, mereka dipaksa berpindah tapi pihak koperat pula boleh membangun semula bangunan yang dulunya dilarang beroperasi di lereng bukit. Sekarang ini kita lihat mereka membina semula station minyak di tempat yang sama.

Satu persoalan yang sering timbul dikalangan rakyat marhean, mengapa apabila rakyat memohon tapak tanah untuk kediaman sukar sekali mendapat kelulusan tetapi apabila pihak pemaju perumahan mohon tapak untuk membina perumahan dengan mudah pihak berkuasa membenarkannya.

Dimanakah keadilan pihak pemerintah terhadap rakyat marhean? Orang kaya bebas melakukan apa saja tanpa menghiraukan undang-undang, sedangkan penduduk yang miskin dan daif pula terus hidup terseksa akibat pembangunan yang tidak seimbang.

Orang kaya bertambah kaya dan orang miskin akan terus hidup menderita akibat penindasan oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan mereka yang hanya mementingkan diri sendiri.

Kita mendesak pihak pemerintah yang bertanggungjawab dalam hal ehwal kebajikan masyarakat agar bertindak segera menyelesaikan masalah dan menunaikan janji-janji mereka kepada penduduk yang terlibat. Jangan biarkan mereka hidup terpinggir dari arus pembangunan.

Pihak pemerintah seharusnya berlaku adil kepada semua tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik agar rakyat dapat hidup dalam keadaan aman dan selamat.

Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri,Sarawak

English version
The fate of the abandoned of Canada Hillside ResidentsMiri - Landslide that occurred in Miri on 16th January 2009 a few years ago has caused the people living on the hillside had to move immediately on the instructions of the authorities to a safer place

On the day of the incident one of Shell petrol station located at the foothills hit by rubble from the landslides on the hills nearby. Two employees of the Shell petrol station dead buried under the rubble.
Many residents living adjacent in the scene has been ordered to move to a safe place and some of them are staying with their relatives and there is also have to rent while waiting for directives of the authorities so that they can return to their homes.

After they ordered to move to a safe place, some of them had to rent a box house (Flat) while waiting for new shelter as promised by the authorities. Because some of them are not afford to pay rent had to go back to their old shelter on the hillside.

After almost three years later, one of residents who live in Canada hillside with 5 children, Ramlee Bin Pen has complained to the PAS Miri where he received a letter from the Miri Resident Office in 2009, which asked him to demolish and clear the site at Lot 819 Block 8, Miri Concession land District occupied by them to move immediately during the landslide a few years ago.

Before the landslide occurred in 2009, Ramlee have applied land in Lot Desaras Tudan Resettlement Scheme from the Department of Lands and Survey Miri on 25th April 2006, but the application was rejected on 10 May 2006 by reason "are not considered".

On 4th December 2008 he received the letter called for interviews for Desaras Tudan Resettlement Scheme because there are cases of landslide area at Padang Kerbau / Kpg Hj Wahed in Miri.
After two years he waited with hope to get the land in Lot Desaras Tudan Resettlement Scheme as promised until now still no signs of the said Lot of land will be given to him. He often went to the office of the Department of Lands and Survey Miri and ask the status of the said Lot of land, but received the same reason, we have yet to receive approval from the Department of Lands and Survey Department in Kuching

According to him after all efforts to get land Lot is unsuccessful, he had to return to his old shelter on the hillside. The hut which he lived now is very poor and have no clean water and no electricity so they had to use rainwater as a source of water supply for drinking and cooking and candle as torch or light in the dark (night).

He worked as a guard at a school, he hopes that the government can help him and his families to solve his problems with fulfill its promise to get a lot of land shelter that is more comfortable and safe.

That is the fate that befell the residents living on the slopes of Canada Hill, they were forced to move but the corporations were able to build the building that formerly forbidden to operate on the hillside. Now we see them rebuild the petrol station in the same place.

One question that often arises among the ordinary people, why when the people apply for the land for the residential site the approval is difficult, but when the developers apply to build a housing site the authorities will easily allow it.

Where is the justice of the government to the ordinary people? The rich are free to do anything regardless of the law, while the poor and destitute population continues to suffer as a result of living unbalanced development.

The rich are getting richer and the poor will continue to suffer as a result of oppression by those who are not responsible and they are just selfish.

We urge the government which is responsible for the society welfare to act quickly to solve problems and fulfill their promises to the people involved. Do not leave them marginalized from mainstream development.

The government should be fair to all regardless of race, religion and political belief so that people could live in peace and secure.

Photo attached.
Surat Arahan Pindah (A. Letter of Instruction To Move)
Surat Memohon Tanah Lot (B. letter of Application for land Lot)
Pondok tempat tinggal di lereng bukit (C. Hut shelter on the hillside)
Ramli bersama anak di tapak kediaman di lereng bukit (D. Ramli with the child in a home on the hillside)
Pembinaan semula stesen minyak di tapak yang sama di lereng bukit (E. The reconstruction of the petrol station on the same site on the hillside)