Penduduk kampung merayu jangan
menceroboh tanah adat mereka

Dayak di Sarawak secara tradisinya mempunyai hak untuk menggunakan tanah itu
dengan mengamalkan adat mereka sejak dari generasi ke generasi. Selaras dengan
Kanun Tanah 1957 Sarawak, tanah adat Bumiputra ['Native Customary Land' (NCL)] yang

ini perlu dibincangkan sekali lagi oleh pihak berkuasa untuk mengelakkan salah
faham dan kekeliruan antara masalah hak tanah adat orang Melayu dan hak adat orang
Dayak di Sarawak termasuk Suku kaum Jatti Meirek, Kedayans, Vaie Segan dan
kumpulan etnik lain di Sarawak.

telah dimaklumkan bahawa kawasan itu adalah tanah rezab untuk penduduk Pujut,
namun para pemaju terus berdegil dan masih terus bekerja di lapangan dan banyak
belia dan tukang kebun yang menggunakan jalan itu mengadu kerana laluan utama
mereka yang digunakan selama beberapa dekad telah diambil oleh pemaju.
paras penambakan tanah yang terlalu tinggi dari jalan raya, penduduk bimbang
dan ianya tidak mustahil kampung Pujut akan ditenggelami oleh banjir kilat jika
hujan lebat berterusan, pihak kerajaan boleh turun padang untuk melihat sendiri
arus air deras dari bukit yang berdekatan mengalir ke kawasan kampung Pujut.
sepatutnya aliran air disalirkan terus ke dalam laut daripada menggunakannya sistem
perparitan yang sedia ada kini sempit dan kecil. Perlu dibina saliran konkrit yang
mengalir terus ke laut bukan parit yang sempit menyebabkan banjir di kawasan
perumahan dan kebun.

kampung mendesak kerajaan mengambil tindakan segera terhadap isu-isu yang
mereka hadapi kerana mereka tidak mahu apa-apa perkara yang tidak diingini
berlaku jika pihak berkuasa tidak bertindak segera untuk mencegah pencerobohan
tanah mereka serta masalah pengairan yang tidak terkawal.
dengan pihak berkuasa dan mereka yang terlibat dengan masalah ini sangat
PAS, Sarawak
The villagers appealed not to
encroach on their ancestral land

Dayak community in Sarawak have traditionally have the right to use the land by
practicing their customs since from generation to generation. In accordance
with the 1957 Land Code of Sarawak, Native Customary Land (NCL) is recognized.
community, especially the Iban, has been allocated 2 million hectares, but they
also put forward new demands for the traditional land of Pulau Galau dan
Pemakai Menoa. This urge has caused anxiety among the Malays in Sarawak
including the Jatti Meirek tribe, Kedayan, Vaie Segan and other ethnic groups
in Sarawak. The Sarawak Native Customary Rights contained in Sarawak Land Law
(Sarawak Land Code) (1958) gives the same rights to the Sarawak Malays.

residents in Kampung Pujut Tanjung Batu appealed to the government so that the
land reserved for football field and for Qurban worship program for villagers
that has been encroached by the developer need to be stop immediately.
According to one of the villagers known as Armin told us, only in the area was
the vacant land used by the residents for gardening and so on.They have long
been exploring the land from their ancestors. The land is included in the land
of 'Temuda' consisting of land grown with crops and land previously planted but
abandoned in accordance with the planting cycle for soil fertility and forest
it has been informed that the area is reserved land for Pujut villagers, but
the developers continue to stubbornly and still continue to work on the ground
and many youth and gardeners who use the road complain because their main route
used for decades has been taken by the developer.

village will be submerged by flash floods if heavy rain continues, the
government could get off the field to see for themselves flowing currents from
the nearby hill flowing to the village of Pujut.
It is
supposed the flow of water is drained directly into the sea instead of using
existing drainage system is now cramped and small.There should be constructed
of concrete drainage which flows directly into the sea instead of the narrow
ditch that caused flooding in residential and farm areas.
water that flows into the ditch of the village and the high level of land
reclamation is not impossible the Pujut Tanjung Batu village will be flooded by
water as in the 60's and 80's where at that time the Pujut village was hit by a
massive flood of up to 10 feet according to Armin's statement.
urged the government to take immediate action on the issues they face because
they do not want any unwanted things to happen if the authorities do not act
immediately to prevent their land invasion as well as uncontrolled irrigation
with the authorities and those concerned with the problem are greatly