Mana Janji Bekalan Asas Kami? Rayuan Penduduk Kampung Gajus (B)
MIRI - Kampung Gajus (B) terletak dalam kawasan Lambir yang kebanyakan penduduknya berbangsa Iban dan terdapat juga bangsa Melayu. Kebanyakan mereka bekerja sendiri dan juga bekerja dengan syarikat swasta.
Di kampung Gajus (B) terdapat 37 buah keluarga yang masih lagi belum mendapat sambungan elektrik dan juga bekalan air paip, dimana bekalan air bersih boleh disambung terus dari Loji Rawatan Air di Lambir yang lebih kurang 1 kilometer dari kawasan kampung tersebut. Jalan masuk ke kampung juga masih jalan tanah yang belum lagi diturap.
Setakat ini mereka berkongsi meter dengan jiran yang berdekatan untuk sumber air dan elektrik. Mereka merayu kepada pihak berkenaan agar segera menyambung bekalan elektrik dan air paip ke rumah mereka sebelum Gawai ini.

Menurut beliau projek bekalan elektrik ini sudah dimulakan pada 2009 di kawasan mereka, tetapi sehingga ke saat ini belum lagi disambung ke rumah mereka, yang ada hanya tiang-tiang elektrik di sepanjang jalan di kawasan kampung.
Dulu pihak yang berkenaan ada berjanji untuk menyambung bekalan elektrik ke rumah mereka sebelum hari Gawai. Sekarang sudah hampir dengan hari Gawai tetapi masih belum ada tanda-tanda yang elektrik tersebut dapat digunakan sepenuhnya.
Pihak berkenaan hanya memasang meter elektrik diluar rumah mereka sahaja tetapi sampai sekarang masih lagi belum boleh digunakan. Sampai bila pihak berkenaan hendak memasang dan menghidupkan bekalan elektrik ke rumah mereka. Begitu juga dengan bekalan air paip yang belum dapat disalur ke rumah mereka sehingga mereka terpaksa berkongsi meter dengan jiran yang berdekatan
Kita mendesak agar pihak kerajaan dapat memberi perhatian serius terhadap masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk kampung tersebut dan menunaikan janji mereka dengan segera tanpa perlu menunggu pilihanraya
Penduduk kampung sudah bosan dengan janji-janji yang tidak pernah dilaksanakan tepat pada waktunya samaada dari wakil rakyat atau pun syarikat yang telah diberi amanah untuk melaksanakan tugas tersebut.
PAS sentiasa perihatin kepada semua penduduk yang menghadapi masalah tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik. Perjuangan PAS dan Pakatan Rakyat untuk membantu dan membela nasib semua bangsa akan tercapai sekiranya dapat kerjasama dengan semua pihak.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
Where are the promises of our Basic Supply? Gajus (B) Village Residents Appeal
MIRI - Gajus (B) Village located in the Lambir area which most of the residents are Ibans ethnic and there are also Malays. Most of them are self-employed and also worked with private companies.
In the Gajus (B) village there were 37 families who have yet to get electricity connections and water supply pipes, where water supply can be connected directly from the Lambir Water Treatment Plant which is about 1 kilometer from the village. The access road to the village is still a dirt road which has not been tarred.
To date they only share a meter with the nearest neighbor for water resources and electricity. They appealed to the parties concerned to immediately connect the electricity and piped water to their homes before this Gawai.
One of the villagers, Stainley Melinei who is also a member of the PBB Lambir complained to PAS Miri, he said the problem of electricity connection and water supply pipes that have yet to be fully utilized in their area, despite being many times they apply to the parties concerned.
He said this electricity supply project was initiated in 2009 in their area, but until at this moment has not yet been connected to their homes, only electricity poles along the road in the village.
Previously the relevant authorities have promised to connect electricity supply to their homes before the Gawai. Now it is almost to the Gawai day but still no signs that electricity can be fully utilized.
They only install the electric meter outside their homes, but until now still not yet being used. Until when the parties concerned want to install and switch on the electricity supply to their homes,
They only install the electric meter outside the house, but until now they still cannot be used. Until when the parties concerned will going to install and switch on the electricity supply to their homes.
Similarly to the water supply pipes that cannot be channeled to their house until they had to share a meter with the close neighbors
We urged the government to give serious attention to the problems faced by the villagers and fulfill their promises immediately without waiting for the election.
The villagers are fed up with promises that never carried out in a timely manner whether from the representatives of the people or companies that has been entrusted to carry out the task.
PAS is concerned to all the people who have problems regardless of race, religion and political belief. The struggle of the PAS and Pakatan Rakyat to help and defend the fate of all races can be achieved if got the cooperation with all parties.
OllSaya amat berterima kasih kepada saudara-saudara saya di PAS, malangnya perkara yang telah dikemukakan ini telah pun dalam perancangan kerajaan untuk menaik taraf jalan hanya menunggu giliran sahaja.
Mengenai Rmh Empading, pihak berwajib telah pun dimaklumkan...pun menanti tindakan yang seharusnya.