Belum Sampai Setahun 'Speed Bump’ Sudah Rosak
Kita mendapat aduan dari salah seorang penduduk di Krokop yang memberitahu pihak kami, agar ‘speed bump’ tersebut perlu dibaiki dengan segera kerana beliau bimbang akan keselamatan kanak-kanak sekolah disitu.
Apabila ‘speed bump' atau 'penahan kelajuan' tersebut sudah tidak dapat mengawal kelajuan kenderaan yang melintasi kawasan tersebut, ada kemungkinan pengguna jalan akan terus memandu laju tanpa mengindahkan keselamatan kanak-kanak sekolah yang melintas jalan.
Kita mencadangkan kepada pihak MBM (Majlis Bandaraya Miri) agar menganti pagar pembahagi jalan dengan 2 kaki tinggi konkrit dan 1 inci tebal ‘speed bump’ yang boleh tahan muatan lebih 5 tan dicat kuning dan gunakan pantulan cahaya serta mempunyai lintasan zebra untuk pejalan kaki.
Untuk memperlahankan lagi kenderaan sewaktu kanak-kanak sekolah melintas jalan, adalah disarankan 'speed bump' perlu dipasang dihadapan dan juga selepas melalui jalan kawasan persekolahan itu.
Papan tanda juga mesti nampak jelas dari jauh, terutama sekali waktu malam dimana pengguna jalan tidak begitu nampak dengan jelas ada ‘speed bump’ dihadapan kawasan tersebut.
Kita mengesa pihak polis trafik sentiasa mengawasi dan mengawal aliran lalulintas di kawasan persekolahan agar pergerakan kenderaan berjalan lancar terutama waktu kemuncak.
Sikap para pemandu yang tidak bertanggungjawab terutama sekali di kawasan persekolahan perlu diawasi agar mereka patuh dengan peraturan lalulintas. Tindakan tegas seharusnya diambil keatas pemandu yang cuai dan memandu laju dalam kawasan persekolahan.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
Not yet reach a year 'Speed Bump' Already Damaged
We got a complaint from one of the residents in Krokop that inform us, so that the 'speed bump' must be repaired immediately because he was concerned about the safety of school children there.
When 'speed bump' or 'retaining speed "was not able to control the speed of vehicles crossing the area, there is the possibility of road users will continue to drive fast regardless of the safety of school children crossing the road.
We recommend to the MCC (Miri City Council) to replace the road divider fence with 2 feet tall and 1 inch thick concrete 'speed bump' that can hold more than 5 tons of capacity painted yellow and light reflection and have a zebra crossing for pedestrians.
To further slow the vehicle during the school children crossing the road, it is recommended 'speed bump' should be installed in front and after the road through the school area.
Signage must also be apparent from a distance, especially during the night, where the road users is not very clearly see there is a 'speed bump' in front of the area.
We urged the traffic police constantly monitor and control the flow of traffic in the school so that the movement of the vehicle running smoothly especially peak hour.
The attitudes of irresponsible drivers, especially in the school area should be monitored so that they are complying with traffic regulations. Stern action should be taken against the negligent driver and speeding in the school area.
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