Masalah Infrastrutur dan Penduduk Tanpa Pengenalan Diri di Rh Renang
SIBUTI - Rh Renang terletak dalam DUN Bekenu. Kebanyakan penduduknya bekerja sebagai petani dan ada juga yang bekerja dengan syarikat swasta. Perjalanan menuju ke Rh Renang dari Bandaraya Miri mengambil masa lebih kurang 1 jam.
Baru-baru ini rombongan PAS Miri bersama Pengerusi Lujnah Perpaduan Nasional PAS Pusat, YB Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa telah singgah ke Rh Renang. Kunjungan kami disambut baik oleh penduduk rumah panjang Renang.
Perjumpaan tersebut telah memberi sedikit pengalaman kepada pihak kami betapa sukarnya hidup orang di rumah panjang Renang setelah sekian lama menanti keperluan asas yang dijanjikan untuk kawasan mereka belum lagi di tepati.
Ada beberapa masalah yang dikemukakan oleh penduduk Rh Renang kepada pihak kami semasa kunjungan tersebut untuk pihak kerajaan mengambil tindakan. Dibawah ini kita senaraikan beberapa masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh penduduk Rh Renang yang perlu diberi perhatian oleh pihak berkuasa.
Masalah Jalanraya
Jalanraya menuju ke Rh Renang agak teruk dan berlumpur. Walaupun ada jalan batu kerikil tapi ianya tidak sempurna dan berlobang akibat jalan rosak. Ketika musim hujan jalan berlopak dan agak licin. Mereka memohon agar pihak pemerintah dapat menurap jalan tersebut dengan tar.
Bekalan Air Bersih Belum Disambung
Bekalan air bersih yang belum disalurkan sehingga kini menurut penduduk di situ menyebabkan mereka terpaksa menggunakan air hujan dan air kolam yang berdekatan, mereka sudah pun membeli segala peralatan untuk memasang paip air serta meter air ke rumah mereka tetapi masalahnya walaupun meter air sudah pun dipasang tetapi bekalan air bersih masih belum lagi disambung. Walapun air pili belum dapat digunakan tetapi caj meter air telah pun kenakan setiap bulan kepada penduduk di situ.
Adalah tidak adil bagi pihak LAKU (Lembaga Air Kawasan Utara) mengenakan caj meter air sedangkan mereka tidak dapat bekalan air yang sepatutnya disambung ke rumah mereka.
Kalau kerajaan Selangor boleh menawarkan air bersih sebanyak 20 meter padu, bersamaan dengan 20,000 liter atau 5,680 gelen, setiap bulan secara percuma untuk rakyatnya tetapi mengapa penduduk di Sarawak tidak diberi kemudahan yang sama. Kalau pengguna tidak menggunakan air selama lebih dari satu bulan sepatutnya tidak perlu membayar sebarang bil tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya.
Mereka merayu agar pihak yang berkenaan segera menyambung bekalan air bersih ke rumah panjang mereka setelah sekian lama mereka menunggu, mereka juga kesal kerana sudahlah bekalan air tidak disambung, kena pula bayar bil bulanan. Mereka juga terpaksa mandi menggunakan air kolam berdekatan yang agak berbau dibawah bukit kerana air tangki tidak mencukupi untuk kegunaan harian.
Perkara semacam ini sepatutnya tidak berlaku sekiranya pihak yang bertanggungjawab dalam urusan bekalan air bersih segera menyambung air paip terus ke rumah panjang mereka sebab meter air dan paip sudah dipasang cuma masalahnya bekalan air bersih saja yang masih tidak disalurkan ke kawasan mereka.
Seperti juga masalah bekalan air, bekalan elektrik juga sudah pun dipasangkan dengan meter tetapi bekalan elektrik masih belum lagi disambung. Sudah beberapa tahun mereka dijanjikan bekalan letrik akan disambung ke rumah mereka tetapi sehingga kini masih lagi macam itu tiada sebarang perubahan.
Sepatutnya pihak Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation (SESCO) segera menyambung arus eletrik terus ke rumah panjang mereka kerana mereka sudah membayar wang deposit kepada pihak yang berkenaan. Apa gunanya memasang meter elektrik sedangkan tiada arus elektrik dialirkan untuk kegunaan rumah panjang tersebut. Mereka mengesa pihak yang berkenaan segera menyambung bekalan eletrik ke rumah panjang mereka.
Penduduk Tanpa Dokumen Pengenalan Diri
Ada lebih kurang 20 orang penduduk asal di Rh Renang tidak memiliki kad pengenalan disamping itu juga tidak ada surat beranak. Menurut salah seorang penduduk di situ yang dikenali sebagai John, merayu agar pihak kami dapat membantu menyelesaikan masalah mereka. Anak dan Isteri beliau juga tidak memiliki Mykad dan surat beranak sedangkan mereka adalah orang asal Sarawak.
Mereka juga mengadu pernah datang ke Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara di Miri tetapi sehingga kini tiada jawaban yang diberi mengapa mereka masih tidak dapat memiliki Mykad. Mereka juga kesal dengan sikap pihak pendaftaran yang tidak mengiktiraf mereka sebagai warganegara Malaysia sedangkan mereka adalah penduduk asal bukannya pendatang dari luar Negara. Cuma nasib mereka agak malang mungkin disebabkan ibu bapa mereka tidak sempat hendak mendaftar mereka semasa kelahiran mereka dulu.
Di sini kami telah bertemu dan mencatitkan nama beberapa orang yang tidak mempunyai kad pengenalan.
Diantaranya ialah Chunggai Ak Misi, Elizabert Paun Ak Rayong, Jimbau Ak Ukas, Garuda Ak Juing, Runai Ak Gong, Sabarina Ak Nyimbong, Dayang Ak Kayai, Silvia Ak Jiki, Nicolas Ak Samuel dan Lau Ak Frenky.
Nama-nama yang tercatat pernah datang memohon kad pengenalan di JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) di Miri. Pemohonan mereka ditolak dengan alasan mereka tidak memiliki dokumen yang lengkap serta tiada surat beranak. Mereka berharap pemohonan mereka untuk memiliki surat beranak dan kad pengenalan mendapat pertimbangan yang sewajarnya dari pihak kerajaan.
Sampai bila mereka mesti hidup tanpa taraf kerakyatan yang sah sedangkan pendatang asing pun dapat memiliki kad pengenalan serta mendapat taraf kerakyatan? Mereka adalah penduduk asal Sarawak yang kurang bernasib baik disebabkan faktor jalan penghubungan yang sukar yang dilalui oleh datuk nenek mereka dulu untuk mendaftar kelahiran anak-anak mereka di JPN. Mereka perlu kad pengenalan untuk menikmati taraf sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang sah untuk mendapat bantuan seperti persekolahan, pekerjaan dan sebagainya.
Walau bagaimanapun, sepatutnya pihak JPN yang bertanggungjawab menangani masalah penduduk asal Sarawak yang tidak memiliki kad pengenalan dan surat beranak dengan turun padang berjumpa dengan mereka yang tinggal jauh di pedalaman.
Segera Atasi Masalah Rakyat
Itulah beberapa masalah yang sering kita dengar dari penduduk yang tinggal di luar bandar di Sarawak. Kalau pihak kerajaan perihatin dengan masalah rakyat sudah pasti segala kemudahan asas diberi keutamaan kepada rakyat tanpa perlu menunggu pilihanraya barulah hendak menunjuk-nunjuk kebaikan dihadapan rakyat tetapi selepas selesai pilihanraya batang hidung pun sukar hendak nampak.
Seperti masalah jalanraya yang sepatutnya berturap tetapi masih lagi berlumpur. Masalah air dan eletrik yang sepatutnya dipasang tetapi hanya tinggal meter saja dan juga masalah penduduk tanpa dokumen pengenalan diri sepatutnya tidak berlaku lagi di Sarawak.
Kalau di Sabah ramai penduduk asing dapat kad pengenalan mengapa pula rakyat tempatan di Sarawak sukar untuk mendapat kad pengenalan dan surat beranak.
Kami mengesa pihak berkuasa terutama sekali pihak JKR (Jabatan Kerja Raya) , Pihak SESCO (Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation) atau dikenali sebagai Syarikat SESCO Berhad dan pihak JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan segera.
Pihak kerajaaan perlu menyediakan kemudahan asas kepada penduduk kampung yang memerlukannya. Jangan sekadar "melepaskan batuk di tangga sahaja" seperti apa yang berlaku di Rh Renang. Kerjasama dengan pihak yang berkenaan sangat dihargai dan jangan memilih bulu dalam mengatasi masalah kebajikan rakyat.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
Problem of infrastructures and Residents without Identification at Rh Renang
SIBUTI - Rh Renang is located in Bekenu constituency. Most residents work as farmers and there are also who work with private companies. Journey to the Rh Renang from Miri takes about 1 hour.
Recently entourage PAS Miri together with the National Unity Committee chairman of PAS central, YB Datuk Dr Mujahid Yusof Rawa stopped by to Rh Renang. Our visit has been welcomed by the people of the Renang longhouse.
The gathering had given a little experience to us how difficult life of the people of Renang longhouse after a long time waiting for a basic needs that promised to their areas have not yet been fulfilled. There are a number of problems highlighted by population of Rh Renang to us during the visit for the government to take action.
Below we list some of the major problems faced by the people of Rh Renang that need to be addressed by the authorities.
Road problem
A road leading to the Rh Renang is quite badly and muddy. Although there are gravel roads but it is not perfect and hollow due to damaged roads. In the rainy season the road puddles and is quite slippery.They requested that the government can cover the road with tar.
Clean Water Supply Not yet Connected
Clean water supply that has not been channeled to date according to the residents there cause they had to use rain water and the pond water nearby, they have already bought all the equipment to install pipes and water meters to their homes but the problem even if water meters were installed but the supply of clean water is not yet connected. Even though unable to use tap water but water meter charges have been imposed each month to the residents.
If the Selangor government can offer clean water of 20 cubic meters, equivalent to 20,000 liters or 5.680 gallons, per month free of charge to its citizens but why the population in Sarawak are not granted the same facilities.If users do not use the water for more than a month should not have to pay any bills but what happens is the opposite.
It is unfair for the LAKU (Northern Region Water Board) charge the water meter when they could not supply the water that should be connected to their home. They appeal that the parties concerned immediately connect the clean water supply to their longhouses after so long they wait, they also expressed regret that even though the water supply is not connected, they also had to pay monthly bills.
They also had to take bathe using a water pond nearby that is quite smelly under the hill because the water tank is not enough for daily use.
This sort of thing should not happen if those who are responsible in managing water supply tap water immediately connect directly to their longhouses because the water meters and pipes already been installed, the only problem is that only clean water supply is not channeled into their areas.
There is no electricity supply
Like the problem of water supply, electricity supply has also been fitted with electricity meters but not yet connected. After a few years they were promised electricity will be connected to their homes, but until now still like that there were no changes.
Supposed to the Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation (SESCO) immediately connect electric current directly to their longhouses because they already pay the deposit to the relevant parties. What's the point to install electric meter when no electric current is flowed for the use of the longhouse. They urged the relevant authorities to immediately connect the electricity supply their longhouses.
Residents without identification document
There are about 20 indigenous people in Rh Renang did not have identity card besides it also there is no birth certificate. According to one of the residents are known as John, pleading that we can help solve their problems. The children and his wife also do not have MyKad and birth certificates whereas they are the origin people of Sarawak.
They also complained that they ever came to the National Registration Department in Miri but until now no answer given why they could not have MyKad. They also expressed disappointment with the attitude of the registration that does not recognize them as citizens of Malaysia while they are the original inhabitants instead of immigrants from abroad. To Just their fate is quite unfortunate may be due to their parents not had opportunity to register them during their birth.
Herein we have met and record the name of several people who do not have identity cards. Among of them are Chunggai Ak Misi, Elizabert Paun Ak Rayong, Jimbau Ak Ukas, Garuda Ak Juing, Runai Ak Gong, Sabarina Ak Nyimbong, Dayang Ak Kayai, Silvia Ak Jiki, Nicolas Ak Samuel and Lau Ak Frenky.
Names that stated ever came to apply identification cards at the NRD (National Registration Department) in Miri. Their application rejected by reason they do not have complete documents and without a birth certificate. They hope that their application for a birth certificate and identity card gets due consideration from the government.
Until when do they have to live without legal citizenship status whereas the foreigners can even have identity cards and citizenship status? They are natives of Sarawak are less fortunate due to factor of roads connectivity difficult that experienced by their grandparents once to register the birth of their children at the NRD. They need ID cards to enjoy status as a Malaysian legally to get assistance such as the education, employment and so on.
However, should the NRD which is responsible for addressing problem of Sarawak natives who do not have identity cards and birth certificates by go to the ground to meet them who live far away at the interior.
Overcome People Problems immediately
That's some of the problems that we often hear from people who live in rural areas in Sarawak. If the government really concerned with the problems of the people certainly all basic amenities given priority to the people without having to wait for elections then to show off the kindness in front of the people but after the elections even nose harder to see.
As the road problems that should be paved but still muddy.Water and electricity problems should be installed but only stayed meters only as well as population problems without identity documents should not occur again in Sarawak. If in Sabah many foreign residents get identity cards why should the people in Sarawak difficult to get identity cards and birth certificates.
We urge the authorities especially the PWD (Public Works Department), the SESCO (Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation) or known as SESCO Companies and the NRD (National Registration Department) can solve the problem immediately.
The governments need to provide basic amenities to the residents who need it. Do not just " "release the cough at the stair only” like what happened in Rh Renang. The cooperation with the parties concerned is greatly appreciated and do not discriminate in addressing the welfare of the people.
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