Bekalan Air Bersih Masih Belum Ada Di Kampung Tukau Jaya
MIRI – Penduduk Kampung Tukau Jaya, Jalan Bakam Miri yang terletak lebih kurang 30 minit dari bandaraya Miri yang kebanyakan penduduknya bekerja sebagai petani dan nelayan memohon agar pihak kerajaan dapat menyalurkan bekalan air bersih ke kampung mereka.

Inilah masalah utama yang dihadapi oleh penduduk kampung Tukau Jaya sehingga kini mereka hanya bergantung dengan tadahan air hujan dan juga air kolam yang terdapat di situ. Penduduk kampung amat memerlukan bekalan air bersih untuk menampung keperluan harian mereka seperti air minuman, mandi dan membasuh pakaian dan sebagainya.

Sekiranya berlaku musim kemarau yang berpanjangan sudah pasti bekalan air mereka terputus. Air dalam tangki dan kolam tidak cukup untuk menampung keperluan harian mereka. Mereka berharap bajet 2014 untuk membantu penduduk luar bandar yang tidak ada bekalan air bersih dapat digunakan untuk kampung mereka.

Selain itu mereka juga memohon agar  jalan raya diturap dengan tar sepenuhnya supaya jalan tersebut tidak mudah rosak. Jalan batu kerikil yang digunakan sekarang banyak lobang dan ianya menyukarkan penduduk kampung ketika hujan lebat. Jambatan yang menghubung ke tempat tinggal mereka sehingga kini masih lagi belum siap sepenuhnya.

Menurut seorang penduduk yang dikenali sebagai Sibutir katanya “Mereka sudah lama memohon agar pihak pemerintah membaiki jalan dan jambatan usang itu tetapi sehingga kini sudah empat kali pilihanraya, jalan tersebut masih lagi jauh ketinggalan seolah-olah mereka berada di zaman 50an.

Mereka sudah terlalu lama menanti peruntukan untuk kemudahan asas untuk kampung mereka, sudah 4 wakil rakyat bersilih ganti tetapi tiada satu janji pun mereka tepati menurut penduduk disitu. Menurutnya lagi mereka juga pernah memohon kepada kerajaan supaya dapat membuat Perimeter Survei atas tapak kampung Tukau Jaya, jalan Bakam Miri pada 17 september 2011 yang lalu tetapi sehingga kini mereka masih belum mendapat hakmilik kekal di tapak kediaman mereka.

Mereka amat bimbang sekiranya pihak kerajaan tidak memberi hakmilik kekal ke atas tanah penduduk asal di situ, kemungkinan  suatu hari nanti mereka akan dipaksa keluar dari tanah mereka sendiri akibat pembangunan yang sedang rancak berlaku disekitar kawasan mereka.

Kalau mereka diarah pindah suatu hari nanti, kemana mereka hendak pergi, sedangkan untuk mendapat tanah dan rumah sekarang terlalu sukar, lebih-lebih lagi harga rumah terlalu mahal dan tidak mampu dimiliki oleh penduduk kampung yang rata-rata hidup dalam keadaan yang serba kekurangan.

Pihak kerajaan perlu memberi hak milik kekal kepada penduduk kampung agar mereka boleh berdikari dan dapat meneruskan kehidupan harian mereka tanpa bergantung dengan subsidi kerajaan. Sekiranya pihak kerajaan dapat memberi tapak perumahan serta kawasan pertanian untuk mereka bercucuk tanam maka dengan sendirinya mereka boleh mendapatkan hasil dari petanian dengan syarat kemudahan asas dan infrastruktur perlu disediakan di kawasan mereka.

Kita mengesa pihak kerajaan dan mereka yang berkenaan segera menyelesaikan  masalah bekalan air bersih, jalan dan infrastruktur di kampung Tukau Jaya. Kita harap pihak kerajaan dapat meninjau keadaan penduduk di kampung itu dengan memberi kemudahan asas seperti yang diperlukan oleh penduduk di situ. Kerjasama dengan pihak yang berkenaan amat dihargai.

Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Sarawak

English version

Clean Water Supply Still Not Available In Tukau Jaya Village

MIRI – The residents of Kampung Tukau Jaya, Miri Bakam Road, which is approximately 30 minutes from the Miri city that majority of the population work as farmers and fishermen request that the government can channeling clean water to their villages.

This is the main problem faced by the villagers of Tukau Jaya until now they only rely on rainwater catchment and water pond located there. The villagers are in dire need of clean water supplies to meet their daily needs such as drinking water, bathing and washing clothes and so on.

In the event of prolonged drought is certainly their water supply cut off. The water in the tank and ponds is not enough to cover their daily needs. They hope 2014 budget to help rural residents who do not have clean water can be used for their village.

In addition they also requested that the road is fully paved with tar so that the road is not easily damaged. Gravel roads used now lots of holes and it makes it difficult for the villagers during heavy rains. The bridge that connects to their homes until now has yet to be completed.

According to a population known as Sibutir he said "They have long urged the government to repair roads and the old bridge but until now had four elections, the road is still far behind as if they are in the 50s era.

They've been waiting for so long for the provision of basic amenities to their village, already 4 representatives interchangeably but there is no one single promise they fulfilled according to residents there.  He added that they also have apply to the government in order to make the Perimeter Survey on site of Tukau Jaya village, Miri Bakam road on September 17, 2011 ago but until now they have not got a permanent ownership at their residential site.

They are very worried if the government does not give permanent ownership over the original inhabitants land there, the possibility that one day they will be forced out of their own land due to rapid developments taking place around the area.

If they were ordered to move one day, where they want to go, whereas to get a land and house now is too difficult, moreover house prices is too expensive and is not affordable for the residents who live on average in a poor condition.

The government should give the freehold to the villagers so that they can be independent and able to continue their daily lives without relying on the government subsidy. If the government can provide housing sites and agricultural areas for their cultivation by itself then they can get the results from the farms provided that the basic facilities and the infrastructure should be provided in their area.

We urge the government and those concerned immediately solve the problem of clean water supply, roads and infrastructure in the village of Tukau Jaya. We hope the government would review the situation of the people in the village by provides a basic facilities as needed by the residents. Cooperation with the relevant authorities is greatly appreciated.