Kemudahan Asas Penduduk Rh Patrick Libau Diabaikan
NIAH –Rh Patrick Libau di Sungai Tangap terletak berhampiran dengan kawasan Taman Negara Gua Niah lebih kurang satu jam perjalanan dari Bandaraya Miri merupakan sebuah rumah panjang yang terletak dalam kawasan Parlimen Sibuti.
Disebabkan kedudukannya yang berhampiran dengan Gua Niah menyebabkan ramai pelancong dari luar datang dan tinggal di ‘home-stay’ di rumah panjang tersebut dan mereka ingin merasai sendiri kehidupan penduduk suku kaum Iban dalam kawasan itu.
Jalan masuk ke simpang rumah panjang tersebut lebih kurang 10 kilometer dari jalan utama Miri-Bintulu dan ianya mengambil masa kira-kira 45 minit untuk sampai ke destinasi disebabkan jalan masuk yang agak teruk dan berlubang. Apabila musim hujan lebat jalan masuk ke rumah panjang tersebut terputus akibat banjir kilat.
Masalah utama yang dihadapi penduduk Rh Patrick Libau selain jalan masuk kampung yang tidak bertar adalah kemudahan asas seperti bekalan air bersih dan elektrik walaupun ada saluran air paip besar dan tiang letrik dipasang sepanjang jalan masuk tetapi masih belum dapat digunakan sepenuhnya.
Menurut penduduk di situ tiang elektrik sudah lama dipacak sepanjang jalan masuk ke Rh Patrick Libau dan kabel elektrik juga sudah lama dipasang di rumah mereka cuma masalahnya mereka terpaksa menunggu pihak SESCO (Sarawak Electricty Supply Corporation) memasang meter tersebut.
Mereka sangat kecewa kerana sudah lama menunggu pihak yang berkenaan memasang meter eletrik sehingga kini sudah lebih 1 tahun masih belum dapat bekalan elektrik, mereka masih menggunakan generator untuk menyalur kuasa elektrik ke rumah mereka dimana kos untuk menggunakan generator agar mahal.
Mereka sudah banyak kali mengadu hal tersebut kepada wakil rakyat mereka tetapi jawaban agak mengecewakan dimana mereka disuruh bersabar dan menunggu pihak berkenaan datang memasang meter tersebut tetapi sehingga kini tiada sebarang tindakan diambil. Kalau pun ada pihak yang berkenaan datang, mereka cuma datang untuk menjengok saja tanpa ada sebarang perubahan berlaku.
Penduduk di Rh Patrick Libau memohon agar pihak kerajaan segera menyelesaikan masalah jalan, bekalan air bersih dan meter letrik di rumah panjang mereka sebelum PRU13 (Pilihanraya Umum ke13)
Menurut penduduk disitu perkara ini sudah lama diadukan kepada pihak yang berkenaan termasuk wakil rakyat di situ tetapi tiada sebarang tindakan diambil untuk mengatasi masalah keperluan harian mereka sehingga mereka memohon bantuan PAS untuk mengemukakan masalah mereka kepada pihak yang berkenaan.
Kita mendesak kepada pihak yang berkenaan agar segera membaiki jalan masuk Rh Patrick Libau serta menaiktaraf jalan kampung tersebut disamping memberi kemudahan infrastruktur sebagaimana yang telah dijanjikan oleh wakil rakyat dulu, menurut kata penduduk disitu yang mengadu kepada PAS Miri.
Semoga masalah penduduk di rumah panjang Patrick Libau ini mendapat perhatian dari pihak kerajaan serta masalah mereka dapat diatasi dengan segera tanpa perlu menunggu pilhanraya umum,
Kerajaan yang berkuasa dan mempunyai peruntukan untuk membantu rakyat sepatutnya bertanggungjawab mempastikan segala kemudahan asas rakyat diberi keutamaan dan berlaku adil kepada semua tanpa mengira bangsa, agama dan fahaman politik kerana rakyatlah yang memilih mereka menjadi kerajaan.
Jofri Jaraiee
PAS Miri, Sarawak
English version
Basic amenities of Rh Patrick Libau Population is neglected
Niah – Rh Patrick Libau at the River Tangap located near by the Niah Caves National Park about an hour's drive from Miri is a long house, located in Sibuti constituency.
Because of its position close to the Niah Caves caused many foreign tourists come and stay in 'home-stay' in the longhouses and they want to experience themselves the living of the population of Iban tribal in the area.
The access road to junction of the longhouses about 10 kilometers from Miri-Bintulu main road and it takes about 45 minutes to reach the destination due to severe access roads and cavities. When the heavy rain season, access road to the longhouses disconnected by the flash floods.
The main problem faced by the people of Rh Patrick Libau other than village access road not tarred are basic amenities such as clean water and electricity despite large culvert pipes and electricity poles installed along access road but has yet to be fully utilized.
According to the residents there the electricity poles has long been driven into the ground along the entrance to the Rh Patrick Libau and electricity cable has also installed at their home only the problem is they have to wait for the SESCO (Sarawak Electricty Supply Corporation) to install the meter.
They are very disappointed because have long been waiting for the installation of electricity meters until now has been more than a year has yet to get electricity; they still use the generator to transmit electrical power to their homes where the cost to use the generator so expensive.
They have many times complained the matter to their elected representatives, but the answers were disappointing when they were asked to be patient and wait for the next party installing the meter, but so far no action taken. Even if there are a party concerned comes, they just come for a look only without any change occurs.
Residents in the Rh Patrick Libau asking the government to immediately solve the problem of roads, clean water supply and electricity meters in their longhouse before the 13th GE (13th General Election)
According to residents there have long been complained the matter to the relevant parties, including elected representatives there, but no action taken to overcome their daily needs until they apply for PAS assistance to submit their problems to the relevant authorities.
We urge the parties concerned to immediately repair the access road of Rh Patrick Libau and upgrading the village roads and provide infrastructure facilities as promised by elected representatives before, according to the residents there who complain to the PAS Miri.
Hopefully, residents in the longhouse of Patrick Libau is receiving the attention of governments and their problems can be resolved quickly without having to wait for general elections.
The Government in power and has a provision to help of the people should be responsible for ensuring all basic amenities of the people are given priority and be fair to all regardless of race, religion and political affiliation because is the people who choose them to become a government.
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